Tips To Good Health And Disease Prevention

The Fact of Melatonin

Please make it a point to sleep early... 

Thats how God has made us... Sleep at night and work during the day...
Today I learnt something new... A natural cancer vaccine.

God placed in each and everyone of us a gland in our head called the Pineal gland. It is considered to be the biological clock of the human body and it is also connected to the sight nerve. It is small like the size of a pea. Everyday after sundown this gland starts producing a substance called Melatonin which runs in the bloodstream and protects the body from cancer. 

This gland works only in the dark so if the eye is exposed to light the gland does not work because it thinks night has not come yet...
So if you stay up at night in the light, you are depriving your body from this daily vaccine...

Our parents and grandparents who used to sleep early in the night and wake up early in the morning did not suffer from cancer or any of the disease we hear about today.

God has placed this daily vaccine in our body to protect us so let's put it to use by sleeping early.💪

The gland starts working from after dark until two hours before sunrise !!!

Must read and share this miraculous physiology God designed inside man...

Managing Heart Problems Without Surgery

How To Control Alzheimer's Disease

After the age of 50
one may experience
many types of illnesses.
But the one I am most worried about is Alzheimer's.

Not only would I not be able to look after myself,
but it would cause
a lot of inconveinence to family members....

One day, my son Rahul
came home and told me
that a doctor friend
has taught him an exercise using the tongue.

The tongue exercise is effective to reduce the onset of Alzheimer's and is also useful to reduce / improve

*1* Body weight
*2* Hypertension
*3* Blood-Clot in Brain
*4* Asthma
*5* Far-sightedness
*6* Ear buzzing
*7* Throat infection
*8* Shoulder / Neck infection
*9* Insomia

The moves  are very simple and easy to learn....

Each morning, when you wash your face, in front of a mirror, do the exercise as below :

*stretch out your tongue and move it to the right then to the left for 10 times*

Since I started exercising my tongue daily,  there was improvement in my Brain Retention.

My mind was clear and fresh and there were other improvements too...

   1 Far sightedness lesser
   2  No giddiness
   3. Improved wellness
   4. Better digestion
   5. Lesser flu / cold

I am stronger and more agile.


The tongue exercise helps to control and prevent Alzheimer's...
Medical research has found that the tongue has connection with the BIG Brain. When our body becomes old and weak, the first sign to appear is that our tongue becomes stiff and often we tend to bite ourselves.

Frequently exercising your tongue
will stimulate the brain,
help to reduce our thoughts from shrinking and thus achieve a healthier body.

Senior Citizens:

Dr. Ramaphakela, encouraged each person receiving this newsletter to  forward it to another ten people, certainly at least one life will be saved ... I've done my part, I hope you can help do your part. thanks!

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